Connect to PSC Wi-Fi Network: CHROME OS
PSC Wi-Fi Overview
Connect to PSC with
Android Apple iOS ChromeOS Linux Windows
IMPORTANT! In order to configure a device for PSC network access it must have Internet access. Devices can be set up while off campus using your home Wi-Fi network or cellular data connection, or you can temporarily use PSCvisitors if you are on campus.
If you have an existing profile for the PSC network in your device open your Wi-Fi settings and "forget" it. If not, you can skip to Step 2.
Launch your favorite web browser and navigate to
Your Android operating system should be automatically detected. If the detection was incorrect you can select the correct system in the drop-down at the bottom of the page.
Click Sign In, then enter your PSC email address and network/email password.
After signing in click Download.
Click Choose File to import the PSC wireless settings from the SecureW2.onc file in your Downloads folder. Note: You may see a red error message due to a bug in ChromeOS. You can sefely ignore this error.
- In your Wi-Fi settings connect to the PSC Wi-Fi network and click Connect on the settings window that appears.
Contact the HelpDesk if you need further assistance.