Dual Enrollment Course Registration for Home School, Public School, and Private School Students
Once accepted to PSC as a dual enrollment student, you can register for college-level or vocational classes through PSC. Work closely with your guidance counselor, parent/guardian, and/or the PSC dual enrollment staff to choose the best classes to take each term. Read these instructions carefully and refer to the PSC Dual Enrollment website to help you complete the process.
Once each year, for home school students only:
Each Term for all students:
- Home school students must complete the Dual Enrollment Registration Form – Home School Students. Students can use Workday or Course Search to find and review course offerings.
- Public and private school students must complete the Dual Enrollment Registration Form – Public and Private School Students. This form will go first to your high school guidance counselor for review, then to your PSC advisor. Students can use Workday or Course Search to find and review course offerings.
- Public and private school students may communicate with their guidance counselors via high school email or phone and their PSC advisor via Piratemail (PSC student email).
- Your assigned PSC advisor will review your registration and advise you of any issues via your Piratemail. If there are no issues, they will register you if there are still seats available in your requested section(s).
- Watch your Piratemail for updates on your registration. Once you receive confirmation, make sure you check your Current Classes in Workday.
- If you need to change your schedule by dropping or adding a class, return to the Dual Enrollment Registration Form for your student type and select “I have a schedule for the selected semester, I need to change it.”
One time for all students:
- If you would like your parent/guardian to have access to your school records, you must fill out the appropriate Student FERPA Release Form.
- To access your school records, your parent/guardian can complete a Parent/Guardian FERPA Release Form if they claim you as a dependent on their taxes and provide appropriate documentation.
Related Articles
Dual-Enrollment Textbooks, Accommodations, Records, and Contacts
PSC Online Resources for Dual Enrollment Students
Admission Application for Dual Enrollment Students