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Student Course Schedule

Modified on: Tue, Jan 14 2025 10:53 AM

Follow these easy steps to view your registered course schedule, whether you’re accessing Workday on desktop or mobile. 


1. From your Workday homepage, access the Academics app located under Your Top Apps or through the Menu.

2. Under Planning & Registration, click View My Courses.

The My Enrolled Courses table will display on the View My Courses screen. All your current and upcoming registered courses will be displayed by the academic session. Due to the way Workday currently displays your courses, all courses will be displayed under Session A, even if they are in Sessions B, C, or D. You can determine the correct session by the start dates.

3. Click the course or section name for more information.

You can drop or swap registered courses by clicking on the buttons on the right of the table.

4. To see your schedule in a chart form for in-person classes in a weekly and time format, click the Calendar View button.


A pop-up box will appear.

Mobile App

These steps and screenshots could appear slightly different depending on the type of device and software you’re using. 

1. Open the Academics App from the Apps screen.

2. Access Courses & Pre-Registration Plans.

3. Select View My Course Schedule.

4. To select the course schedule you want to view, click on the session listed in the gray box to see your options. A dropdown box with all the sessions you're registered for will appear. Select the session you want to view, and click the checkmark in the upper right of the screen.

If grades have recently been posted, there may not be an option to select the Academic session, and only the current or upcoming academic session will be displayed.

5. You can switch to Calendar view to see your schedule in a different format. 

If using an Android device, click on the small blue dot below the day to view your courses for that day.

If using an iPhone, the full week's calendar will display.

On both Android and Apple devices, distance learning courses without a meeting time will not show up in My Course Schedule. Distance learning courses will appear under Registered Courses in mobile and under View My Courses in desktop. See #2 in the desktop instructions above for details on viewing sessions in desktop.

6. Click on the course to view more information about the course, including meeting time, location, and instructor.

7. Click on the blue Course Details box to get an overview, description, details, credit hours, campus locations, and course materials.

8. If you click on the blue Register box, you can save the course to a schedule or register for it during an open registration period. 

If you followed this path to the course registration details from your course schedule view, you should already be registered for this course.

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