Workday offers many ways to get to the same tasks. Find the path that you are most comfortable with to access what you need. You can search for people, tasks, requests and reports. Below are some recommended tips to improve efficiency in Workday.
The PSC icon will always return you to your Workday dashboard.
If you know what you’re looking for, type the first 3 letters of the task or report in the search box. Ex. Cha My Pho for Change My Photo.
The browser back button will sometimes operate as “Refresh” on some Workday screens. On other screens, selecting this button will return you to the first step in your process.
It will be beneficial sometimes to use duplicated tabs in Workday, so one screen displays pertinent data, and on the other, navigate to additional screens and complete actions. To duplicate your screen, right-click the mouse in the tab of your current browser. Select duplicate. Once selected, this will open a duplicated tab next to the current tab.
Open a new task in a new window by right-clicking on an item for a drop-down list and clicking See in New Tab.
Once you've completed a My Tasks folder (formerly Inbox) action item, it will automatically move out of the Actions folder into the Archive folder. Here you can find progress updates on requests like a student ID. The Archive stores information for up to 90 days.
Customize your Apps, Shortcuts, and Favorites for quick access through the Menu . Click Edit to remove non-required apps or rearrange your most used ones. Click Add Apps to explore additional options and add. Using the Favorites app, you can click Manage Favorites in the top right-hand corner of the page to save favorite tasks, custom and delivered reports, and business objects. Click Shortcuts to edit and add Shortcuts. Shortcuts only allow 10, whereas favorites are unlimited.
You can find related information for any item in Workday by selecting the icon of three orange dots (related actions button) that appear to the right of that object. This button will show tasks you have access to that are frequently used for the selected transactions.
For example, the icon next to a Course displays additional details for that course.