Admission Application for Dual Enrollment Students
Dual Enrollment is a program for academically talented students to earn high school and college credit simultaneously. It is open to students from public high schools, accredited private schools, or approved home-education programs. Students can take college classes during or after school hours and during summer semesters. They can take courses for college credit or pursue career/vocational programs like Carpentry, Practical Nursing (LPN), or Welding. Eligible high school students in Escambia and Santa Rosa Counties may apply for admission using the Dual Enrollment website.
Apply for Admission to Dual Enrollment
1. To determine eligibility, review the appropriate section of the website for home school or public and private school students.
3. Access Sign In at the upper right corner of the page to sign in or create an account if you don’t have one yet.
4. To complete an application in progress or check the status of a submitted application, follow the instructions on the page. Click on Start My New Application to apply for the first time.
5. If you are applying for college credit classes, provide the following answers on the application, then skip to Step #7.
- Academic Level - Undergraduate
- Student Type - Dual Enrollment
- Program of Study - Dual Enrollment AA OR Dual Enrollment AS
Visit the PSC Academics website to learn more about the Associate in Arts (AA) and the Associate in Science (AS) degrees. If you select Dual Enrollment AS, select your specific program in the Advising Track dropdown that appears. Use the gray bar to scroll down and see the full list.
6. If you are applying for a career and technical certificate program, provide the following answers on the application, then continue to Step #5.
- Academic Level - Vocational
- Applicant Type - Dual Enrollment
- Program of Study - Dual Enrollment Career Certificate
- Advising Track - The vocational program for which you are applying
7. Enter your Anticipated Start Date, which is the earliest term when you might start classes.
8. Enter the Campus Location, in person or online, that you expect to attend.
9. Click OK.
10. On the next pages, enter the required information and click Next after completing each page.
Things to note when completing these pages:
- You may take college-level classes full-time (at least 12 hours) or part-time (less than 12 hours).
- You may take college-level classes in person on a PSC campus, online, or both.
- Enter your SSN without dashes and do not fill in the Issued or Expired fields.
- Use a personal email address for the application, not a school email.
- Which tests did you take that made you eligible for dual enrollment?
- Make sure to read the Terms and Conditions statement and check the box below it.
- Click Submit at the end of the application.
If you have any questions about the application:
You can check the status of your application by logging back into the PSC Dual Enrollment Application site. Watch for emails to the account you listed on your application, including emails in your spam/junk folder. If accepted to dual enrollment with PSC, you will receive two emails to the account listed on your application. The first welcomes you to the program, and the second provides you with initial login information for all your PSC systems. If your application is denied, review the eligibility requirements to see if you filled out the application correctly.
If you receive the acceptance email but do not receive the email with your login information within 6 hours, please call 850-471-4534 to get assistance from our Student Help Desk.
If you do not receive any email within 5 business days of submitting your application, please contact us at so we can confirm we have received your application.
View the attachment for a detailed training guide with screenshots.